The ADAMA Center for Novel Delivery Systems in Crop Protection
The ADAMA Center for Novel Delivery Systems in Crop Protection in Tel Aviv University is aimed at enhancing the training of young scientists in relevant academic fields that will enable them in the future to become expert researchers and leaders in formulation and delivery systems in crop protection, and provide them with the tools to meet the local and global challenges in the field. The center was established in collaboration with ADAMA, which is one of the leading crop protection companies in the world.

The world population, which currently numbers around 7.8 billion people, is facing a growing challenge: ensuring a safe, equitable, available, nutritious, and inexpensive food supply. The crop protection industry has an important role to play in addressing this challenge globally, through effective solutions to pests and diseases that damage crops and reduce yields.
The plant protection industry is increasingly turning to the development of new solutions in formulation and smart delivery of active ingredients - that is, not only the development of the active ingredients themselves but also technologies to smartly deliver them to the plant in a more efficient and effective way while minimizing the impact on soil, groundwater, and other life forms.
The ADAMA Center for Novel Delivery Systems in Crop Protection was initiated by Tel-Aviv University, and is supported by the ADAMA Company. The goal of the center is to enhance the training of graduate students in relevant academic fields that will enable them to become leading researchers and experts in crop protection and provide them with the tools to meet the local and global challenges in the field. For this purpose, the ADAMA Center established an integrated interdisciplinary program of teaching and research infrastructure that provide graduate students with advanced knowledge and hands-on experience in aspects of chemistry, biology, and engineering related to novel formulation technologies for smart delivery in crops protection.